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Title Block Dxf

DxfTitle block template dxfBlock

Add a previously exported DXF or DWG title block file.If you created a title block using another CAD application, you can import it into Revit. Some text in the imported title block may reflect information that is specific to the project or sheet. Replace this text with Revit parameters so that the information can update automatically.To import a title block. In the CAD application, do the following:. Prepare the title block.

Title Block Dxf

Bump that!being able to import a 2d cad block or dwg as geometry would be invaluable. Especially if a practice has a number of different title blocks all forming different purposes.Being able to insert cad blocks could also allow the use of the editable fields within a block.I'm resigned to redrawing my title block, but i think this feature would make layout even more attractive to all design practices, engineers and surveyors.what confuses me is that LO is able to export to dxf/dwg but not import.